The Urban Shaman

I’ve passionately dedicated my work to emphasizing a foundation that's empowered with knowledge based on fact, uplifting the self to take control. My experiences gave me a chance to grow and learn how to care for my body and mind, something which, in all honesty, requires a constant state of awareness. From perplexing and challenging health conditions to sports injuries, learning to acquire patience was a journey, and I chose to label it an adventure! Every aspect of our lives is deeply intertwined, our emotional state of mind can have physical symptoms and vice versa. My own history has shown me how impactful and profound the effect of adapting better nutrition, habits, and behaviors can be, leading to the development of an original method that successfully shifts what would be complex to achievable!! 

“We’ve been inherently and involuntarily subscribed to the perception of a single dimension, as we are taught and function through life we stay within that subscription. There is a choice, a choice to recognize the individual and realize that just as the vast expanse of our world has many layers, we too can explore the unlimited dimensions of self.”

This path has been laid out to let my journey speak for itself, the pursuit of adventure is the continuation of learning, from psychology and behaviors to agriculture and nutrition. I personally sort through and curate information that is catered to the bio-individuality of every client, meticulously applying a history rich in diversity and sectors while filling in the gaps. As a Concierge Urban Shaman, my work has allowed me to travel and learn from people and professionals, applying and instilling adaptable and lasting habits for my clients while maintaining flexibility to meet their expectations worldwide. Nothing is more exciting to me than being in a new country and rising to the challenge of using what’s there, it’s useless to make a recommendation that isn’t available!!

I used those moments to keep the allure of harmonizing nutrition with movement, mind with body, which had me captivated. How could I translate this information that needed to be available to all? With the biggest and sincerest gratitude to my husband, the creator of Par LaChance, I am now able to present my vision. Ensuring the commitment I give to my clients, all of our content is original and verified with scientifically based research.

We are our own worst critics while being our best motivators. Trusting yourself should not be taken for granted, and building that trust takes an indeterminate amount of time, with the understanding that we have the room to grow and learn, applying what best serves us - as individuals. Instead, choose to appreciate the power of the mind, the impact of our brain-body connection, and its linear relationship to how we think and act, a focus you’ll learn through my programs.

I commit to all of my clients to ensure permanence and longevity, my adventure transitioned into permanent evolution, and I invite you to find the same!

“My love for the world nurtured and helped me develop my love for communicating with others in their language.”

Why no Testimonials?

This is a very intimate and personal journey that we will share together, putting my client's own personal journey and experience on display for personal advertising does not reflect my own values and ethics. I personally value my privacy and choose what I display, always echoing the same respect I believe in. I subscribe to empowering my clients, with the belief that happiness and satisfaction can also be spread by word of mouth, happily how I’ve expanded my client reach. I preserve the privacy of these journeys and I strongly believe that if you need a testimonial, you have two shining examples in front of you! 

Q &A

What’s your mission ?

“ A Vision turned into a Mission”

 We believe in the interchangeable nature of mission and vision in business, one without the other is void. Our core mission is driven by vision, and that vision will lead the importance of the mission

In a world full of noise where do you find your peace?

Morning coffee as the sun rises, just the natural call of the birds as they’re waking up, and the man I love enjoying the same. I choose to find my peace in the beauty that surrounds me, for even the moments that may seem small aren’t lost on me. I carry that with me throughout the day, admiring the imperfections as much as the perfections, and finding that beauty is the sum of a whole! 

As multi-faceted entrepreneur what do you do in your spare time that feeds your soul?

Now, this can definitely vary on the day! How many Monday morning’s have seen me springing out of bed with enthusiasm, already building up anticipation for the day calls for a quick kickboxing session with the Mr. Always worth it! Nights spent playing our own game called: what's in the fridge? Coming up with new variations sparks my curiosity and nourishes my passion. Spare time is a rare treat, so I try to spice up my working hours and keep adding to the plate! 

At what moment did you know health and wellness was your calling?

This is always a tough question to really pinpoint one moment. My fascination with food started in my early childhood running my hands through bins of beans, coffee, and tea and visiting local farms to hand pick the fruits and vegetables for meals. With that came years of working in the medical field, interacting with patients during assessments, and training in biofeedback modalities. Through those moments, I was clearly seeing a disconnect between the practitioner and the patient and felt called to bridge the gap. The revelation that nutrition belonged in our discussions of health and wellness was so clear to me! Being able to share this knowledge is my true passion. 

You take a unique approach to wellness and inclusivity. That’s a powerful stance, working with people of all backgrounds must come with a wealth of knowledge, yeah?

Honestly, this is one of the biggest highlights of my practice. The strongest tool in my arsenal is that I simply love and appreciate learning. I grew up in such a diverse city and extended that later in life with the shared hunger for travel with the Mr. Extending that to my clients allows me to engage and connect with them on a much deeper level. Plus, nothing hits my adventurous spark like a brand new flavor profile and recipe to taste! 

I’ve seen a lot of your recipes include vegan and meat variations. What inspired you to give clients both ends of the spectrum?

A large part of my journey has been trial and error. My childhood consisted of a diverse range of animal proteins, to exotic fruits and vegetables. I stuck by the motto “I’ll try anything once” early on, which really allowed me to expand my palate and truly start to understand how what I was eating was affecting my body. Every individual is unique, so what works for one person might not work for the other. I would never impose a lifestyle/nutrition choice on someone that they personally didn’t choose for whichever reason. My programs encourage curiosity, instead of instilling apprehension. That being said, my recipes are memories throughout the years, meals from nights out in the city recreated in our kitchen, and now tweaked for vegan! If there’s a way to remember a beautiful moment with a dish, I’ll find it, and always offer my view of my journey in FULL. That’s timeless.

What can we look forward to seeing in your courses?

My courses are truly custom curated to the client, and my courses and information deliver easy-to-absorb content that's tailored specifically for longevity and permanence. Remember, the effort and results are always in your control, my guidance supports that foundation.  Stay connected for free knowledge that I believe should always be accessible by all! 


Building these platforms under the direction of Par LaChance has been a personal labor of passion and tenacity, an embodiment of who we are and how we live, committed to walking one path or many, we humbly strive to stay true to ourselves…We invite you to browse without pressure, we encourage you to empower yourself with knowledge and pass it on! 

All of our content has been written by us from the heart and mind, an expression of the thoughts we have to share paired with the photos and videos we’ve shot throughout the years,  a plethora of personal moments that we thought would never see the light of day! The ones taken of us are all in-house executed and directed courtesy of Par LaChance. 

You belong,