Recipes !!


The Urban Shaman

Plant Based












Plant Based 〰️ Vegan 〰️ Vegetarian 〰️ Flexitarian 〰️ Omivore 〰️ See-Food 〰️

The recipes below are my own personal creations, collaborations with my husband (a trained chef in his own right!), that are nutrient-packed and flavorful! Keeping an open mind and curious palate has allowed me to explore cuisines and have one-of-a-kind experiences that I draw on to humbly pay my own respects. While I currently follow a Vegan “diet”, I haven’t always, which encouraged me to share all of my recipes to be inclusive! 

Full Disclosure: I am definitely not a classically trained chef or culinary professional, I’m more of an admirer of food and the infinite combinations that can be made with it! Cooking for yourself, your family, your partners… whomever it is in your life…. can sometimes seem challenging. I had learned to cook a variety of dishes from an early age, yet suddenly when I found myself on my own my previous “skills” were nowhere to be found. I was desperate, seeking out recipes that seemed familiar and others that were breaking my pre-imposed boundaries. See? That’s the problem, I was DESPERATE! Applying The Urban Shaman method to my own life facilitated a cascade of changes, regaining the confidence that I had lost and releasing the stress of eating. 

Many of the Vegan recipes are the LaChance family twist on personal favorites, comforting meals, home-based memories, and so much more. All recipes can be adapted to fit anyone’s preference so remember that what you see in front of you is a guide and don’t forget to season for your own taste! 

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